Druids cannot Parry.
Paladin Warrior
P = Avoidance per Primary = 138.75176305
D = Parry rating per % = 39
Crit is your crit rating
Bonus Str is your str minus your base str. If you hover over your str tooltip, the number in yellow is your bonus str.
v = 0.01
h = 1/0.94
Base Str is your Str if you take all your gear off. If you hover over your Str tooltip, your base str is the 2nd number in white. For a lvl 60, this is an average of 450. Each race will have different amounts.
Death Knight
P = Avoidance per Primary = 138.75176305
D = Parry rating per % = 39
Crit is your crit rating
Bonus Str is your str minus your base str. If you hover over your str tooltip, the number in yellow is your bonus str.
v = 0.01
h = 1/0.94
Dancing Rune Weapon (DRW) grants
Dancing Rune Weapon Effect#1 (40%) parry chance while active.

Base Str is your Str if you take all your gear off. If you hover over your Str tooltip, your base str is the 2nd number in white. For a lvl 60, this is an average of 450. Each race will have different amounts.
Demon Hunter
Crit is your crit rating
D = Parry rating per % = 39
v = 0.02
h = 1/0.94 Final
Where Demon Spikes grants you
Demon Spikes Effect#1 (15%) Parry while active